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About us

Our Guiding Values 
  • God's Word is the Truth: infallible, inerrant, and sufficient to enlighten every area of living.

  • The Gospel of Grace makes the Christian life possible.

  • Authentic worship that exalts God and encourages His people toward complete devotion. 

  • Faithful preaching and teaching of God's Word supported by committed personal Bible study.

  • Every member participating in the ministries of... 

  1. UpReach (Worship and Thanksgiving)

  2. OutReach (Missions and Lifestyle Evangelization)

  3. InReach (Building the Family of God)

  4. DownReach (Growing deeper in your faith) 

   ... fulfilling the Great Commission by making disciples.

  • The development of Leaders that mentor other leaders who will faithfully shepherd every member.

  • Intentional evangelism through events designed to communicate the Gospel in the normal flow of life.

  • Dynamic discipleship through life-on-life relationships that provide prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.

  • Congregational Communities that shepard, assimilate, and build family environments among believers.

  • Consistent, systematic, and focused intercessory prayer.

  • Seeking to serve God's purpose in this world by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • The least of these through the most of these in the family of Christ (Level ground at the foot of the cross).

The Vision: To Become Common-Union in Christ



Our Vision: To “Be” the Church


That’s right; the vision of a Kingdom Focused Church (KFC) is “To Be the Church.” Christ’s teachings clearly show us that man’s chief problem stems from his identity and not his actions. Each person must draw their identity from God. In fact, in order to work in the Kingdom, you must first see it. In order to enter into the Kingdom, you must first become something different than what you are. You must “BE” born again.


The Mission: To Carry Out the Ministry of Christ


Our Missional Statement

For God’s glory, Covenant Community Fellowship Church is committed to gather and equip Christians to worship God, empower them to transform their families and communities and to release them to serve God’s Kingdom through gospel deeds of justice, love and mercy throughout their city and world.

our pastors:
Frank Woodson
Treva Woodson
Terence Ishman
Jeremy Duckworth
Jennifer Duckworth
Terri Rice
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